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We Do

What Others Believe Is Impossible.

We're A Non-Traditional Agency.

Our clients find us because they are searching for ways to connect the dots in their business, personal aspirations, philanthropic goals, and the ideas they can't seem to make sense of – but excite them nonetheless.


We Consistently and Creatively Connect Ideas.

You have all kinds of inspired ideas running through your mind. Our unique skill is connecting the dots and clarifying your vision so it becomes a reality. We're artists, strategists, communicators, and connectors.

We Raise Your Network’s Net Worth.

A powerful story becomes universal when the right people begin retelling it with enthusiasm to their own circle of influence. We don’t just design “pretty things” – we increase your network’s net worth using our relationship capital to make the right introductions that exponentially increase your influence.

We Focus on Increasing Your Global Impact.

Our clients aren't motivated by wealth or publicity; they're motivated to become thought leaders, industry beacons, and mega-voices in order to positively affect the lives of more people. For our clients, it’s all about the amplification of voice and having a greater impact in the world.

3 Levels of Branding.


Emerging Brand Activation.

For our clients who have realized they have a significant voice, message, and solution worth sharing, we create the initial strategy, tactics, and connections to launch from concept to conversation to conversion. This means helping design thought leadership platforms to engage with new audiences.


Brand Expansion Acceleration.

For our clients who have started their brand journey but feel like they have hit a plateau, we help them go higher faster. It can include launching a bestselling book, securing mass media attention, or developing a physical product line from intellectual property.


Complete Brand Evolution.

For our most audacious clients, we manage every aspect of their brand growth. This translates in helping to articulate the ultimate vision, strategically planning it out, and creatively executing it with an eye always on results. It also means that we're creating synergy with the internal teams and vendors.

Customized Execution of Your Vision.

While we certainly have a toolbox filled with best practices and deliverables, we customize all our strategies and solutions.


Full-Service Agency Can Help You.

"Without understanding how to communicate in an Omni-Channel world, your ability to impact people is limited. Connecting people to your message and mission must be intentional, consistent, and personalized." - That Girl Charlie

Now is the Time to Make It Happen.

After intense and intimate work together, we become an extension of your brand and mission. Yes, we focus on the look and feel of the brand. Yes, we focus on exposing you to more of the right people that need to hear what you have to say. And yes, we help you accomplish impossible goals.

The team is available to provide a complete outsourced solution, project-based services, or to enhance your existing marketing department depending on your company size, goals, and budget​.

In one 30-minute conversation, we'll over-deliver value so even if we're not the right fit, we promise you'll see your brand's potential in new ways.


© 2022-2023 TGC Worldwide  |  Philadelphia | Chicago | Seattle | Los Angeles

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